I am based out of US, my product is built in India. Should I register my company in the US or India?

I am here in the US on L2 for another 3 years and extendable as needed. My software product is currently being built in India. It will be sold both in India and US. I have a partner based out of India. Since I am here in the US for next few years, I could maximize the opportunity to sell the product here in the US. What's the best way to proceed in terms of registering the company - should I register in US and have a 100% subsidy in India?

Company Incorporation Company Resigtration

asked Aug 22 '16 at 12:11
Tarani Arunachalam
1 point

4 Answers


Yes, register in the US and have a 100% subsidiary in India. The US IP law is substantially more robust than the Indian IP law. Plus, if you want to do business in the US, having a U.S. entity is almost quintessential. Most states in the US have legal structures that are entrepreneur friendly. India is getting there, but not there yet.

answered Aug 24 '16 at 23:05
Namit Bhatia
21 points


Answer this question were do you want to sell your product and that is were you register your company

answered Aug 25 '16 at 09:49
Emmer Okiria
1 point


Yes, register in the US , Because country origin of a company can also determine how far the product life cycle of the company.will go

answered Sep 5 '16 at 23:20
Smartclips Tech
1 point


Yeah, you should register your company in the US

answered Dec 15 '16 at 10:17
Voyages Booth
1 point

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