Does creatively naming a product make it look inferior?


I have developed a product and did a basic search for domain names, and to get the domain name I want I will need to more creatively name my product. Does this creative naming turn off some customers by confusing them or even make the product look cheaper?

Some examples would be replacing Easy with EZ or replacing i with y. Those may be bad examples, but I believe they should illustrate what I am talking about. Otherwise I feel I could always keep the name the same, and prefix the domain name with get or something of that sort.

Products Branding Naming Domain

asked Jun 23 '12 at 00:51
130 points

4 Answers


Think about Flickr, Tumblr, and dozens of others that have succeed despite non-standard spellings.

Don't violate copyright with a name that is designed to confuse. The name should not turnoff your desired market.

answered Jun 23 '12 at 02:09
Mhoran Psprep
644 points


Product naming should be about recognition, and making it easy to remember.

Also, think about the advantages that a different spelling would have compared to actual words in search queries.

Using the previous example, Flickr might have had a harder time standing out in web searches in its early days, if it was called "Flicker".

answered Jun 23 '12 at 02:27
Chris C
111 points


Just make sure you brand it effectively. It can be gibberish and nonsense and still take over the world (i.e. Google, Wiggle, Wufoo... to name a few). Functionality and branding are going to be your biggest challenges.

However, if your product is something tangible I think the more literal, the better. People don't like not being able to intuit what a product is for.

Also, don't just add a little "i" to front of the word. :)

Good luck!

answered Jun 25 '12 at 09:05
11 points


Creative names should be great if you can make it easier to remember / fun to say, better yet make it say something about your product/service. Until it becomes super famous, most customers won't know what you do. And think about a sustainable name, like Twitter, you can say the small snippets are tweets, and it can be a word sounds like birds chirping, pleasant, kind of sound short too - goes well with the 140 character limit. Think about if this name will go well with the web address, and will look good on billboards, banners... It's not just a name, it is a tag that will follow you a long way.

answered Jun 25 '12 at 14:24
26 points

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