Fortune 500 Software Engineer Absolutely Bored, want to become independent


I'm 47 years old Software Engineer/Architect, I work for very prestigious Fortune 500 company and have a 6 figure salary.. and I'm bored like the HELL... I'm sick of the politics, the bureaucracy.. and Idiot Project Managers that get their job only because the know very well how to manipulate people with elaborated and sophisticated verbal BS...

Yeap.. I discovered kind of late that Corporate World is not for me.. so I want to start my own company and I have a serious 20+ year experience background.. I have been all my life very passionate about technology.. and for years I was a terrific Software Developer.. I still preserve my skills and my passion for coding.. have a plethora of ideas for new Applications..(and I'm talking about complete Systems.. not simple pretty programs like the majority of newbies will come up with) BUT... I'm 3 years shy from being 50 years old savings enough to survive for more than 2 months.

I've been contemplating different formulas to start my dream of having my own Software Company.. but all of them are reduce to getting the answer to this questions...

  • How much money can I make as an Independent Software Engineer..?
I know that there are Thousand of guys out there with different background and years of experience working independently.. I know that the competition is outrageously wild... but I want to have more specific numbers and statistics.. and a good idea of what is the most lucrative software area today and in the years to come.... I will enormously appreciate all your good comments and information.. If I end up starting my company an turn into a millionaire I sure will remember you and reward you with cash... :)

Startup Costs

asked Sep 20 '13 at 23:43
16 points
  • There is no way to really answer this question, apart from to say "It depends" and "good luck". Independent Software Engineer can earn from $5 per hour up, depending on circumstances. In my case, I was consulting for a global insurance company and they were happy to pay me $700k per annum, but of course it varies and that was several years ago now. – Steve Jones 10 years ago

1 Answer


Not an answer you might be looking for, but it sounds like you should at least consider working for a technology startup with some equity on top of salary. Healthy startups have no politics or red tape and value sense of ownership and range of skills to fill in the many skill gaps.

If you have only been working for large companies in the last 10 years, you will have a big shock to the system if you just dive straight into your own consulting business without a guarantee of a steady income. Plus, if you consult for large companies you are not going to avoid the same issues that are driving you crazy now. Starting and running your own business is hard work and is very different from a Mon-Fri job with nice benefits.

answered Mar 11 '14 at 21:33
2,835 points

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