I need to know if there are any companies which are providing email databases of teachers across India. I would like to send invites for a newsletter related to technology and education which we are launching soon. - thanks
Stop! That's called spamming. Your prospects should opt-in to receiving emails from your website. Therefore, you need to get people to website.
You can get people to your website by:
In the west schools are notoriously hard to get into and requires a methodical process to getting inside the door. An e-mail campaign using addresses from a list will likely be ineffective.
This could be an opportunity to use a low tech, less intrusive yet potentially high value strategy.
Step 1. Pick 100 of your favorite schools
Step 2. Write a physical letter explaining:
Step 3. Call the school, mentioning the letter, and build the relationship.
Step 4. Use the information gathered to feed back into your newsletter.
It is a rough formula and should be customized to your needs.