How to go from private into public beta?


I'm currently having an app in private beta and I'm now ready to launch it.
Should I just make it available on my website or should I seek out for a blog that announces the launch to get some media coverage?


asked Jul 2 '12 at 20:36
6 points
  • What was your plan for the launch of the final version? Public beta means you you still have bugs but you want people to start using it. It is part of the marketing of the software. If you have a website and people have been visiting the site, why wouldn't you announce it on that site. Also start working your marketing plan to get it noticed. How were you going to reach potential customers? Under the public beta start reaching out now. What are you offering as part of the public beta? Free services? future discounts? – Mhoran Psprep 12 years ago

1 Answer


To answer your question which if I am understanding it correctly is getting the word out in a controlled manner so everyone is not coming to download/purchase your app but having people that have a real interest in your app and can provide some real feedback.

In that case I would offer the following path (I am not sure of your resources so I am assume its just you).

  1. Make sure the app downloads and installs/uninstalls correctly. I have been places where they assume just because it works on their test machine it will work anywhere.
  2. Announce the launch on your own website
  3. Create a video/slideshow showing how to install it, major features and some private beta reviews and feedback. Be sure to link it on your own website
  4. Contact blogs and websites that your target market reads or has a interest in to ask them to review the product and to talk about it (might have to offer some incentives)
  5. Announce it on some form of social media and point to the reviews and your own website.
answered Jul 3 '12 at 00:12
Orion Darkwood
99 points

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