Do the number of founders matter for the Startup Visa?


Under the current state of the Startup Visa, does the number of founders matter for the Startup Visa? Is the minimum investment still 250k$ if there are two foreign founders?

Visa Startupvisa

asked Apr 11 '10 at 08:51
J. Pablo Fernández
412 points

1 Answer


The Startup Visa hasn't been passed yet, but there are some problems with it you may want to look at. You can read through the Senate bill here: Look at lines 10-15 on page 2 and you will see that it is for each investor, btw, to answer your question.

answered Apr 11 '10 at 10:42
James Black
2,642 points
  • So, it's 250k$ per investor. – J. Pablo Fernández 14 years ago
  • I'm accepting this answer, although I don't like the unrelated commentary about the Startup Visa. – J. Pablo Fernández 13 years ago

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