Starting a software company in a remote/isolated place


I am in Peshawar, Pakistan ... a place hardly known for software companies. How do I do it here or even online from here?

I am capable of developing software, have loads of ideas (some of which are certainly marketable), and motivated to give it time and effort. The issue is where do I go from here, given that I am alone and sitting in my basement, staring at the computer? What general steps to follow in my situation?

Edit: Let me paraphrase the question ... is it viable for a single person to embark on solo online software adventure (assuming that its feasible for one person to implement the software) or must I find real flesh and blood people to work with? Is there any historical precedent for this?

Getting Started Solo Entrepreneur

asked Jan 4 '11 at 04:33
138 points
  • Why would the place be that relevant? Specify some concrete problems you are encountering. – Houbysoft 13 years ago
  • Absolutely it is possible to make a go of it as a one-person software company. Good luck, let us know how it goes. – Tim J 13 years ago

4 Answers


As long as you're hardworking and have the necessary infrastructure (proper internet access) etc then I see no reason why you shouldn't manage ... unless the only way how to sell your service is by meeting customers face to face.

My startup is based in a tiny country in southern Europe. We have relatively good internet access and it's working very well for us. The country is definitely not known for internet companies.

answered Jan 4 '11 at 06:44
561 points
  • You have local or remote customers ? Have you met them in person or did it work out online ? – Mumtaz 13 years ago
  • 99.x% of our customers are international - 50%++ of the customers are from the USA. 100% of the customers - never met them, sales and marketing all done online. – Vellad 13 years ago
  • wow ...that's inspiring – Mumtaz 13 years ago
  • +1 If it's not a secret, could you say which country this is. Thanks in advance! – Secko 12 years ago


Sounds to me like you want to be a Micro ISV. Google the term Micro ISV and you will find a few interesting sites. Software by Rob is a good place to start and so is Bob Walsh.

Best of luck.

answered Jan 4 '11 at 08:44
Smart Company Software
1,190 points


You've put your finger on one of the most interesting problems in the software world:

How can great teams come together and do great work?

At the risk of over-simplifying, I see two main types of software start-up:

  1. Full-breadth teams that come together face-to-face (but may work remotely)
  2. Commercially-focused teams that form around concepts, and outsource major parts of the development

There is great infrastructure to support both of these, but my experience in corporate development tells me that a scratch team of capable people will be more likely to succeed in whatever it undertakes than either of these limited start-points.

To put that another way, in corporate life you tend to recognise that concept development and business development are linked but distinct skill sets. And in the startup world, you often come across teams who are essentially concept developers failing to progress to aggressive commercialization, and teams who could take over the world if only they had the ability to generate a well-formed startup proposition. Great startups will work creatively to ensure both skills are well-represented in the founding team.

So you could certainly go it alone and pursue the micro-ISV route. But you might also think about how to spot people you'd like to work with - and then make contact. There's every chance that there's someone out there with a well-thought-through and executable idea (maybe the thing they're thinking of for their next-but-one startup!), who'd be willing to team up with you to mutual benefit. And there's every chance that there's someone who's highly skilled at prioritizing and refining your ideas and could help you make the best start.

So my advice would be to invest in building relationships with people you can imagine working with, and look for those opportunities.

When they arise, location won't be a limiting factor!

answered Jan 4 '11 at 20:59
Jeremy Parsons
5,197 points


Are you capable of developing software? If not you can find people who are on the internet.

Do you have a marketable software idea? You at least need a place to start and hopefully evolve. Many buyers will go to your site and/or download software and not pay much attention where you are located.

Maybe you can give some more insight on the challenges you are actually facing?

answered Jan 4 '11 at 05:01
Jeff O
6,169 points

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