How can entrepreneurs build their personal brands?


Even though I have been an entrepreneur for several years, I am not active in the "community". I don't use Twitter or Facebook. How do you guys build your own personal brand? Is it helpful in your business? Does it make hiring people easier, etc.

Branding Entrepreneurship

asked Feb 17 '14 at 12:55
16 points

2 Answers


I think it depends on the type of business you are running and your own personal goals and skills. When I worked in a large company and was a hiring manager my social networks were a potential hiring channel, so I focused on that one angle. My first business was a niche that I wasn't an expert in, so I didn't see any immediate value in building up a personal brand. Now that I am thinking of new and bigger startup ideas I see a value in building up an online identity that could help me promote my next business, build relationships, and maybe find future partners, mentors, co-founders, etc.

Blogging for the sake of blogging is not worth it. If you are a good writer and can produce either informative or entertaining blog posts, that is fantastic, but I wouldn't force it.

TLDR: Depends on your goals and skills.

answered Feb 18 '14 at 01:01
2,835 points


I think you more or less answered your own question.

I'd encourage you to think about the "why" of your question. Why do you think you want to build a personal brand. From there, you can better figure out the "how".

edit: @Webbie's answer reminded me to add: Companies don't do business with companies. *People* do business with *people* - that's why having some level of personal brand is wise. Whether that's just a LinkedIn profile, or more, is your choice.

answered Feb 17 '14 at 18:29
Nick Stevens
4,436 points

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