How exactly is DAU / MAU calculated?


I'm reading a lot about DAU/MAU being a good metric for user engagement. But what is a DAU and what is a MAU?

For Daily Active Users: Is a user not a Daily Active User if they missed one day in the past 30 days?

For Monthly Active Users: Is a user a Monthly Active User if they were present once in the past 30 days?

Should I even be measuring by the past 30 days or should I go by calendar months?


asked Feb 27 '13 at 21:17
9 points

2 Answers


'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.' There are no hard and fast rules here - It means whatever the implementator decides is a valid action.

Example: Facebook defines Monthly Active Users as the number of unique users per the past 30 days.

Which then brings one to another question - what defines a unique user? In facebook land, these are the actions that are tracked / define it:

  • mock ajax request
  • fbml link click
  • canvas page view
  • click-to-play swf
  • message attachment
  • fbjs ajax
  • accepting a request
  • viewing a profile tab
  • publishing something via a publisher As you can see, these actions are meaningless outside of facebook. To define your own MAU, you need to instrument actions that best describe activities that represent "active" use.
answered Feb 28 '13 at 00:38
Jim Galley
9,952 points


I used to do this by taking a user's span (say 6 months), seeing how many days he visited and averaging.

I have made a detailed write up after finding no complete article on it, about how to acheieve this in Google Analytics:

answered Mar 5 '15 at 04:43
Sony Kadavan
1 point

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