Falsify address of company on hosting website


My problem is that we're planning on using Windows Azure hosting, but we're from Jamaica. Windows Azure does not yet allow hosting in Jamaica. Is it okay for a company to falsify an address to get access to what they need? I don't expect any physical contact. We can use an address of one of our friends or relatives in the US. All other data is correct, except the address.

Can we get in any legal trouble for this?

Legal Hosting

asked Dec 1 '10 at 01:26
Shawn Mclean
220 points
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7 Answers


No it is not OK to lie to get access to a service that it is not allowed yet in your country. I suggest you find another hosting company to host your project until Windows Azure is available in your country.

Good luck.

answered Dec 1 '10 at 01:51
4,815 points
  • Might not be good to falsify but it may be that they dont support jamaica but would allow you. Give them a call. Worst case, you could quickly setup a USA company to handle the transaction (subscription). There is a way around this. Or you can use a different cloud platform as Azure is expensive. – Frank 14 years ago


If I were you I would contact some MS folks (maybe an evangelist like Patrick Foley who co-hosts a startup podcast) and ask them what the schedule is for availability - or make other legal arrangements or just pick another technology.

I would imagine there has to be an acceptable way to front a business in another country that is supported and do it "legally".

Misrepresenting yourself is definitely not the way to go.

answered Dec 1 '10 at 02:42
Tim J
8,346 points


If you are even even remotely considering this I would advise against discussing it online publicly with your full name.

That being said, ethical reasons aside I fail to see why Azure is so special to deserve all the extra effort.

answered Dec 1 '10 at 08:20
Jon Darkstar
111 points


You should definitely start by clarifying this directly with Microsoft. Check what restrictions are in place and what the implications are going to be: it's possible that there are technical as well as commercial reasons. You need to be sure that the route will work, if you can overcome this practical issue.

If you take the case of Amazon's Mechanical Turk, a number of third parties have created intermediate arrangements that allow non-US companies to access the service. This may be possible with Azure - and in that case partnering with a US company (or a company in any territory presently served) is surely a better route than misrepresentation that could bring you a world of trouble in future.

answered Dec 2 '10 at 04:09
Jeremy Parsons
5,197 points


i did that with googlecheckout and it works fine, they generally have so many accounts they never bother to check each one individually anyway

answered Dec 1 '10 at 10:02
101 points
  • MS actually do seem to check on the applicants of their partner programs. – Tim J 14 years ago


Did you contact Microsoft to ask about how you should purchase Azure if you are located in Jamaica? Given the platform and the fact that is available for world wide use it is really odd that they would not allow someone to purchase access simply because they live in Jamaica.

Unless there are taxes or legal issues keeping them from doing business in Jamaica.

answered Dec 1 '10 at 12:50
146 points


What if Microsoft comes after you after you went through expense of setting up on the server? Contact them and explain your dilemma. Possibly they'll be willing to work with you.

answered Dec 2 '10 at 04:55
1,698 points

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