Invented a lighter to replace smoking lighters, how to start up without capital or experience?


Great site! I need help.

I am a heavy smoker. Few months ago I invented 3 vaporization devices, made prototypes and started vaporizing instead of smoking.

I use the devices vaporize tobacco in the car or living room, people around me smell nothing at all. I made many sets give friends, they all use my devices and forget about the other pipes, vaporizers. I used cough all the time, spit black stuff, since vaporize instead of smoke, I am cough free. yes, all 3 devices are fully tasted and used by people have them all the time.

The basic concept is people always use flame itself to lit smoking material, combustion it and produce smoke. Inhale 4000 poison stuff in the smoke and some lighter fuel from the flame, then produce second smoke to poison others.

Now if we use the hot air stream above flame tip to vaporize smoking material, not only it produce no harmful smoke, we also inhale no lighter fluid. Gain a lot health benefit, conserves smoking material and vapor taste wonderful.

The key device is vaporization lighter, I filed PPA myself. Here's the main file:


The present invention relates to a lighter that can provide an intermediate temperature hot air stream capable of vaporizing without burning smoking material.

The present Invention is a regular lighter add a flame casing around the flame. The flame casing catches flame exhaust and ambient air, creates an intermediate temperature hot air stream capable of vaporizing without burning.


Tobacco or other herbs are typically smoked by burning and inhaling the harmful combustion fumes and smoke.

Vaporization provides many benefits over smoking. However, vaporization is difficult to perform.Eelectrical vaporization devices are inconvenient to use and tend to be expensive.

It would be an advance in the art of vaporization devices to provide a vaporization lighter that produces an intermediate temperature hot air stream capable of vaporizing without burning smoking material, is inexpensive, is easily transportable, is small, and is simple to operate. Such a device could be widely used by tobacco smokers and by users of medicinal herbs and essential oils. Such a device would also largely avoid the harmful effects of inhaling toxic compounds found in smoke and provide the other benefits of vaporization.


The present invention relates to a lighter that can provide vaporization function. More specifically, the present invention is a lighter that provides an intermediate temperature hot air stream capable of vaporizing without burning smoking material.

The present Invention is a regular lighter add a flame casing around the flame. The flame casing transfers hot air stream from flame exhaust to smoking material, also causes mixing between the flame exhaust and ambient air. The flame casing thereby creates an intermediate temperature hot air stream capable of vaporizing without burning.

In operation, lit the vaporization lighter, put the top front of the flame casing near smoking pipe and inhale, intermediate temperature hot air stream is drawn into the pipe and passing through the smoking material, creates vapor and then inhaled.

By controlling the speed of inhalation, the distance between the flame casing and the pipe, a user can modulate the temperature of the hot air stream. With experience, a user can obtain a perfect temperature for vaporization.

FIG. 1 is a picture of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a picture of the present invention in use for tobacco pipe vaporization.
FIG. 3 is a picture of the present invention in use for vaporization pipe vaporization.

What is claimed is:

In a lighter construction having a flame casing for catching and mixing flame exhaust and ambient air to produce intermediate temperature hot air stream capable of vaporizing without burning smoking material.

I know my devices are much better, easy to use and cheaper than all vaporizers on the market, I know when the vaporization lighter come to live, people will use it to smoke just like people now days use long neck lighters in the kitchen. I know there are 1.4 billion smokers are inhaling harmful smoke and producing second hand smoke every day, I know BIC sold 5 million lighters per day.

So I plan to start up a company to build and sellthe devices to the world.

Here's my question, without capital and experience, poor English, don't have a clue what takes to build and run a company, don't want to licensing my idea, if you are I, what are you going to do besides keep vaporizing?

Thanks ahead for help!

Co-Founder Partnership

asked Sep 5 '11 at 14:18
Joe Chang
11 points
  • Your question is too long to read. Please consider rewriting it as a short question not like marketing post. – Ross 13 years ago

1 Answer


Your question is clear, regardless of what other say. You just say it at the end after a very, very long introduction. Note: there is no need to go into the technical details for your question.

Since you don't have experience on how to build and run a company, you should consider partnering up with someone. Ideally, someone with some startup experience. There are many mistakes that you make the first time you start a company and someone who has already made them will not, likely, make them again.

You don't know what you don't know... so the first thing you need is a partner who can tell you what you don't know and then start figuring things out.

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to constantly think about managing your risk. What risks do you face (market acceptance, legal, etc.) and figure out how to manage those risks.

answered Sep 6 '11 at 11:49
1,194 points
  • John,Thank you very much. – Joe Chang 13 years ago
  • I hope that's right, cus I am sure the devices are legal. Market acceptance should be fine. My ddevices are cheaper 100 times and better than anything on the market. Plus using my devices is just like normal smoking. I think I already done my part – Joe Chang 13 years ago
  • I hope that's right, cus I am sure the devices are legal. Market acceptance should be fine. My ddevices are cheaper 100 times and better than anything on the market. Plus using my devices is just like normal smoking. Anyone wants to help me out? You are helping all smokers to get better living faster by helping me to build a good company based on the devices. So forget about me, for the smokers, and your talent. – Joe Chang 13 years ago
  • I'm not comfortable helping people to smoke in any way but I do wish you success. – John 13 years ago

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