List of Online Shop Software closely tied to Paypal


i want to gather a list of online shop software that is closely tied to paypal. I've seen a piece of software that provides you with a cool interface where you can add your products and then checkout with paypal that was costing something from 10 USD to 30 USD a month.

If you have an idea of those kind of hosted service, it would be cool.

Sites like goodsie are welcome :)

Software Payments Shopping Cart

asked Oct 2 '11 at 02:20
Herr K
292 points
  • What is the relevance to startups? – Alain Raynaud 13 years ago
  • Please explain why do you want to learn? – Bahadir Cambel 13 years ago
  • @AlainRaynaud usually startups create shops and need services like that. – Herr K 13 years ago
  • @Herr Kaleun In that case this is market research - not the right questions for this forum – Tim J 12 years ago
  • @Tim so where should this question go? – Herr K 12 years ago
  • Polling the community for a list of product or service recommendations is not allowed on the Stack Exchange network, so we need to close this question. – Zuly Gonzalez 12 years ago
  • @zulygonzalez again your moderation is wrong in this case. I don't know if you have a special complain against me but I saw and see many many questions like this one. – Herr K 12 years ago
  • @HerrKaleun I have no "special complaint" against you. I treat all questions equally regardless of who asks it. I have even closed and deleted some of my own questions. (You don't have the rep to see deleted posts yet.) I'm sorry, but this question is not appropriate for this site. These type of polling questions are usually of very low quality, lead to spam, and are very hard to maintain. For that reason Stack Exchange has decided to ban them. If you come across questions of this type please flag them for moderator review. – Zuly Gonzalez 12 years ago

4 Answers


FastSpring is integrated with PayPal and is a hosted service though the cost model is percentage of revenue as opposed to monthly fees.

answered Oct 6 '11 at 03:28
Dan From Fast Spring E Commerce
86 points
  • FastSpring is very good, but i contacted them earlier, maybe talked even to you, it's really hard to start working with them unless you have your own product. I don't think that they will support for example drop shipping or sell memberships of sites & stuff like that. Would be cool but, they simply won't do it, so for this case, it's a no. – Herr K 13 years ago


Guten Aben Herr Kaleun,

you can try shopify, volusion, jimdo etc. I hope I got your question right. good luck

answered Oct 2 '11 at 03:21
186 points
  • Nabend :) Thank you! – Herr K 13 years ago


Check out

answered Oct 2 '11 at 04:39
Virtuosi Media
1,232 points
  • Thank you :) very good! – Herr K 13 years ago

0 was the initial shop i was looking for!:)

answered Oct 14 '11 at 17:55
Herr K
292 points
  • Please use the edit link on your question to add additional information. The Post Answer button should be used only for complete answers to the question. – Jim Galley 12 years ago
  • Hello, since this is the correct answer to my question, I've chosen to answer it myself. Thank you – Herr K 12 years ago

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Software Payments Shopping Cart