What online communication service do you use?


I have been using ringcentral for $40 a month and I can only take calls and messages so I can’t use ring central to make calls. I travel a lot so that is why I’m using ring central.

I hear that the paid Skype subscription is ok but it does not work everywhere.
What online VOIP service do you use (that lets you make phone calls) and what do you like best about it company service, features what exactly.

Web Services

asked Jun 29 '11 at 05:28
Sergio Alvarez
46 points

3 Answers


Try oneorangephone.com They are $19.99/month

If you Prepay for 6 months, you get 2 months free
Normally 6 months would cost you about $120 for unlimited calls to the US and Canada

Prepay for 6 months and get it for $13.32 (price you would pay with your 2 months free)

I've used them since 2004 and I have no complaints. I have a softphone setup when I travel and a dedicated office line when I'm at work.

There is NO SALES Tax either. Just the mandatory 911 fees.

answered Aug 18 '11 at 03:01
Cocoa Dev
122 points


I use two solutions. I recently canned RingCentral becuase of too many problems.

To let you know, this is not small amount of calls, I have a call center who uses these services for a few of their seats each week to test out new campaigns (its cheaper for a small business than a pbx).

MagicJack, - I cannot believe it but it works pretty darn good, I use this for my home.

Skype - OMG, I cannot believe how clear this call is. It is so clear that I purchased the unlimited ($3) and an inbound phone number ($18 for 3 mo). This actually work so good that we use it a lot in the office. Be aware that unlimited is not really unlimited. They caps us at I think 100 outbound calls per day, after that it charges us. But it hasn't been an issue.

All of this I use through my google voice (which is NOT a VoIP). The call first originates on GV, then transfers to either magic jack or skype depending on which one answers it first.


answered Aug 18 '11 at 03:15
19 points


I've been using Google Voice through my computer since I don't have cell service in my workspace. It's been great, but I can see it not being a good business solution.

I like Twilio a lot, which is basically a set of tools for creating voice/sms applications. Twilio supports OpenVBX, which is linked on their site with a demo/walkthrough, and is a complete phone system platform. I think they are worth checking out.

answered Jun 30 '11 at 03:09
Tom Harrigan
373 points
  • Thank you for your help Tom i will take a look at that service. – Sergio Alvarez 13 years ago
  • You could use Google Voice (FREE) with oneorangephone.com, automatically transfer your calls to your work, cell. However Google Voice can't forward calls internationally (Canada, Europe, etc) due to FCC regulations. However you can forward your calls to your oneorangephone and receive calls anywhere you have access to the Internet (Dial Up, 3G, 4G, WiFi or Ethernet) – Cocoa Dev 13 years ago

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