How Do IP Address and Host Server Influence SEO?


If you have been performing SEO since a long time, you may have witnessed issues with host server and IP address. The troubles with host server and IP address come into play when you frequently switch servers or use a common hosting podium. With common hosting podium you encounter issues like domain problems and host server is not proficient enough to survive traffic eruption etc.

Tools SEO

asked Oct 25 '11 at 18:59
6 points
Top digital marketing agency for SEO, content marketing, and PR: Demand Roll
  • Welcome to the board User14021. I voted to close this question because i do not see the direct tie to a start-up situation. I see this as a question which would be migrated to one of the many technology sites that answers SEO related questions. – Joseph Barisonzi 12 years ago
  • There are some rumors about this, no official statement. You should stay away from server farms. It is just one of many factors probably with some small weight in the final ranking. – Ross 12 years ago

2 Answers


IP changes should not affect SEO, but search engines might blacklist IPs that host sites that host spam links, thus if you host your website on the same IP, your content might not get indexed.

My suggestion is to simply try to stick with a set of IPs that only host websites you own (or trust).

answered Oct 25 '11 at 19:59
655 points


Dario is pretty much right. The only other thing is if you build 10-15 sites to link to each other - having separate IP addresses makes them look more legit (whois needs to be private too). If it is obvious that you have sites pointing to each other that you control the value of those links is diminished. At least that's one theory...

answered Oct 25 '11 at 20:50
Chris Kluis
1,225 points
  • Thanks Chris Kluis – User14021 12 years ago

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