How can I align my business with my life goals?


These things I am bothered by my business. You know, every one of us needs to make money. I decide to do it by creating my own business and preparing to do investment. I want to live around developed countries but I find that the current business I am doing is highly related to geographic location. I am an accompanying interpreter.I offer services for foreigners coming to my city(In China). I will do international trade business later. Gradually I will build get repeat customers and my business will prosper because of these repeat customers. However, if I relocate to another country later, this advantage will vanish and I need to build my customers from scratch and it will take me a lot of time. To live around developed countries is my life goal and I'm trying to coordinate my business plan with my life goal. If I can marry a woman who likes to live around the world, that's good, we can be a business couple.But what if I have a child? Then we can't take the child with us to live around different countries because he needs to receive school education. So please suggest, how can I perfectly align my business with my life goals?

Ideas Business Plan Business Investment

asked Aug 14 '10 at 20:39
1 point
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3 Answers


You need to stop using words like "can't" and "will." Neither of those are true, mostly.

Some people do have kids and move all around the world. This can be bad for the kid, or wonderful, depending on what you do with the experience.

Some people enjoy traveling the world, some don't. You can pick which one makes sense for you. You can change your mind later.

Some locations are more lucrative for translators than others. You can seek those places.

You could connect with a large, international company instead of building your own business so that you have a regular paycheck and don't have to worry about restarting with new customers.

You sound like you're closing every door around you, leaving you with nothing, when in fact you could be opening every door you find, exploring it, and finding many things worth attempting.

answered Aug 15 '10 at 00:47
16,231 points
  • Hi Jason, you are really wise. What is your favorite quote and favorite book? – Steven 14 years ago
  • "Nothing life-altering can be found in a pithy quote" – Jason 14 years ago
  • I'll try: "Whether you think you can or can't, you're right." – Clint 14 years ago


So, let me clear this out:

You have the delusion you will get rich by doing what a lot of other people do, too, successfully. Bad news: does not work.

Gradually I will build get repeat
customers and my business will prosper
because of these repeat customers.
However, if I relocate to another
country later, this advantage will
vanish and I need to build my
customers from scratch and it will
take me a lot of time.

Exactly. Commone sense dicates that.

So please suggest, how can I perfectly
align my business with my life goals?

Change your life goal. Your business ideas are not compativle with your life goal, and your business ideas are not flexible enough to ever be aligned to your life goal. So, your life goal has to change.

That simple.

Or get into some business that is actually feasible for your life goal. Neither normal international trade, now translating are. Actually trandlating is a relatigvely low income profession - sorry to say - with very limited earning potential.

answered Aug 14 '10 at 21:24
Net Tecture
11 points


You're building an business as an intepreter, but eventually, you're not going to achieve the life/business goal unless you have a business where others do the interpreting. You need to learn how to find customers, hire and manage others to do the actual work. If you grow your business to a large enough size and level of profitability, you can go live and do what you want. The key will be can you get to the final level of managing managers.

I recommend reading the E-Myth Revisited by Micheal Gerber.

answered Aug 15 '10 at 10:05
Jeff O
6,169 points
  • E-Myth Revisited is a great resource. It teaches you how to build your business as a means to achieving your life mission. – Clint 14 years ago

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