Anywhere I can submit a CV and get business ideas?


Does anybody know of anywhere I can send a CV to and get back advice for what kind of business I'd be best to go into? I know how much capital I have available and my skills, but I don't know about market sizes and other forces. I can (and if necessary will) research these things myself, but if there's some (possibly paid-for) service that will do it for me, I'd like to take advantage of it as it will probably yield better results than I could on my own anyway.

So, if I could say "I have X capital available and here's my CV", could you* tell me what kind of business I'd be best to go into?

I originally thought about asking this community, but I think it's too personal a question really (specifically relates to my available capital and skillset).

* "you" here means whichever service you recommend using

Ideas Support Forum

asked Oct 2 '11 at 11:06
Chris Browne
108 points

2 Answers


There are people and agencies called career consultants. They would take your CV and have you fill some forms to gauge your aptitude and preferences and give you a list of professions you can try mostly as an EMPLOYEE. You can however use them to test if you have the skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur or business manager.

As for giving you specific business ideas I don't think anybody else can tell you what your business should be about. Your business should be about finding a market opportunity or need and filling that need. Your skills as an entrepreneur should help you find the need and how to go about filling the need. As a manager your skills should help you hire others and organize your business to as an entity to fill that need in a profitable manner.

If you have sufficient capital and want to invest in a business, you can try joining a group of venture capitalists or angel investors. You would not have to worry about managing the business but you can build skills to identify winning ideas and good businesses to invest in.

As for purchasing market reports. The economy consists of several types of industries and markets. You would need to filter down to a specific market type say vertical market software, or restaurants or construction before you start looking for market research.

answered Oct 2 '11 at 18:37
172 points


if there's some (possibly paid-for) service that will do it for me,
I'd like to take advantage of it as it will probably yield better
results than I could on my own anyway.

No, it's you who only can decide best market opportunity and business idea for yourself. If you think you're not quite ready yet, I'd suggest spending some time doing job in a startup and/or spending time on researching market opportunity of problems around you, which you can solve.

Coming up with a business idea yourself will also help you in other ways as well, as at almost every point of time when you're starting your venture you'll need to answer yourself and possibly to others about so many questions, which you will be able to do best when you've done research from ground up yourself.

answered Oct 2 '11 at 23:39
Atul Goyal
496 points
  • It is now clear to me that I was asking for something which cannot feasibly be done by an external party. I'll just have to get up off my lazy bum and do it myself, I guess! Thanks for your help. – Chris Browne 13 years ago

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