Getting Google Reviews on non-local Saas Business?


I was thinking that it would be nice for our company to have customer reviews come up when someone searches for us on Google. I know this happens for a lot of local business and it seems like a perfect place to have testimonials for 'social proof' while people are thinking about using out services. I have done some searching and it seems like I would need to set up a Google+ local page to allow these reviews and have them show up on searches automatically.

However, the business is not located at a place that makes sense for people to visit and I don't want to have the main business address easily 'google street-viewed' because the main address is a residence.

So, is there a way to get google reviews without a Google+ Local business page?

Google Testimonials

asked Mar 13 '13 at 05:32
165 points

4 Answers


Short answer: No. You can, as the other person pointed out, carry the reviews on your own site and use schema markup to make them prominent in search results.

If you don't want to supply your address, you can hide your address on your Google + page. This is relatively new. (Note that if you don't serve clients AT your place of business their terms and conditions require that you hide your address.)

answered Apr 11 '13 at 21:51
11 points


All you have to do is to register to your business with Google Places. Google will send you a confirmation postal mail, you receive it and confirm your business location. Then you can search for it on Google Places or Google Maps, click write review and input your information.

link wheel

answered May 1 '13 at 21:02
Flannery Oona
11 points


I don't have a physical place either. You would need to have reviews in the hReview microformat, which works with Google. If you're using Wordpress, a great plugin to do so is WP Customer Reviews Here is an example of how it looks when I search for my own website: Samer Bechara's Testimonials

answered Apr 6 '13 at 03:15
Samer Bechara
251 points


Simon, you can have a Google Local Listing without including your street address. Just enter your neighborhood in that field. I've never received an error (or email from the company) asking me to change mine to a physical location.

There are two potential listings on Google. If you post the info at, it will also show up at (then click on the Local tab)

answered May 1 '13 at 17:54
La Shon Anthony
36 points

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