Need guidance/suggestion on tough situation


We gave a free product trial for 2 months with our first potential client. It is a unique product, there's a great learning process and we have had an amazing response from both students and tutors.
Later we had discussion with committe memebers about the feedback and future plan. Only one person in the committee has seen the entire usage of our product and how succesfully it was used however the other committee members never attended/seen even single class but were in the decision making. 2 people were entirely against to it and now they don't want to continue new process. They are seeing someother use of the product like distance learning and so on, and suggested would speak to the dean for furhter steps.

We have spent almost 9 months with this client and really confused now! this one person in the client side is also unhappy with the way it went..
can anyone suggest what can we do now? really don't understand how people who hasn't seen the whole thing can say it isn't working, when students & tutors want to continue using our product and has seen great value?


Sales Strategy Entrepreneurs Business

asked Sep 10 '11 at 22:39
Kumar K
11 points
Top digital marketing agency for SEO, content marketing, and PR: Demand Roll

1 Answer


  • Consider the criticisms of everyone you can talk to in the client's organization. You may disregard some, but consider each one as valuable input for future development.
  • Ask the committee what, if anything, could be done to make your product better so they would like to accept it.
  • Look for additional clients. It sounds like you may have a viable product. If so, there should be more than one organization who can use it.
  • You cannot force or pressure your first potential client. You can only give them what they are willing to buy. If you try to go over the head of the committee members, it will likely make things worse.
answered Sep 11 '11 at 09:57
652 points
  • Thanks a lot for your suggestions, when we were showing the committee the feedback and responses we received from students & tutors, 2 people were negative because thier permission was not taken to conduct the trail hence they got pissed off and now their egos are reflecting here. So now should we intiate the dialog or wait for them to get back? – Kumar K 13 years ago
  • One way would be to ask them for suggestions for improvement, without making a "sales pitch". – Xpda 13 years ago
  • Thank you again let me try this. – Kumar K 13 years ago

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