I just launched my landing page a few days ago,and I'm already fearful that I won't succeed, which may be unrealistic considering how early I am in the process. I've started working through The Noob Guide to Online Marketing and submitted my site to several sites for coverage, so hopefully I'll start getting some results soon.
When should I start worrying about the number of signups I have? Is there a good conversion ratio or number of signups I should be aiming for?
Sorry if I've asked a lot of questions, this is my first startup and I'm very nervous.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Statistics Conversion Landing Page
The number of signups you end up with are a function of the total traffic on your site and the conversion rate. Each of those requires separate sets of strategies; building traffic and securing conversions.
Unless you are either using PPC (pay per click) advertising to drive traffic or have access to a large audience, building significant traffic takes months, not days. To build more traffic, consider an inbound marketing strategy that focuses on providing valuable content that will attract your target audience. This approach has five steps:
Conversion rates can vary pretty widely depending upon the source of the traffic. If it's already well-qualified (e.g. an opt-in email list), then conversion rates of 10% are not unreasonable. But for most traffic (e.g. search, referral), typical conversion rates are more in the 1% to 3% range. It's critical to optimize your landing pages and do some split-testing to experiment (if your traffic levels are high enough). Some specific tips include:
Create pages with compelling headlines. Again, focus on creating a vision for the audience that allows them to see how much better off they will be after taking the action you want them to take. Be sure to include one of the seven fascination triggers in your headline (lust, vice, alarm, power, prestige, mystique or trust).
Connect with the audience. Build off of your headline by showing the audience that you can identify and empathize with their plight. People want to buy from people who are more like themselves.
Clearly define your offer. Tell the customer exactly what they will get in exchange for their lead information (preferably no more than an email). Don't get cute here - be extremely concise with your language and don't hide anything.
Provide testimonials. If people have made it this far, a powerful testimonial can seal the deal. Social proof is a vital aspect of the buying process.
Dispel their fears. Try to anticipate the buyers' reservations and address them head on. For example, tell them it won't take as much time as they may think or won't be as risky as they may fear. Making the offer completely risk-free (e.g. money back guarantee) is another way to accomplish this.
If user's aren't signing up, it may be an indication that there is not a market for the product. Or it could be that the product is too broad or too niche. You could adjust the concept to be more nich or more broad.
Consider using a tool like kissinsights to ask visitors why they are not signing up.
If the number of sign ups does not meet/bring your cream customers. Its of no use. then you should start worrying about that.
Its always good conversion ratio Although, for an example: you have 1000 sign ups, out out which you got 200 users getting themselves engaged to your website. The 800 people are just a window shopper (Opportunistic people), they will engage only if they feel it is a better deal.
There should be a separate strategy for engaged users and non-engaged users.